Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Wolf Blitzer interviewing the Foreign Minister of Qatar on CNN: “Will the Arab League guarantee that Hezbollah will cease raining missiles down on Israel?”

The Foreign Minister from Qatar stated (I’m paraphrasing here: I typed as he spoke) that this conflict cannot be solved by military action. Qatar is trying to intervene with Hezbollah, but the Minister states that continued military action could collapse the fragile Lebanese government. He said that both sides want to show that they can stand up to each other, and they both need to back down. They cannot fight until “they completely break each others’ bones.” He also stated this war is a much more complicated issue than the UN and the West acknowledges—that this conflict involves many parties and countries. He feels that the United States and the West in general has not appreciated the complexity of the war. He also says that violence just encourages other militant groups to express their political complaints through even more violent means. He would like to see real dialogue, not just military posturing by Hezbollah, Hamas and Israel.

Do you think his observation is valid? Also how should America intervene in this conflict? What incentives could it offer to both parties? Israel is presently launching a large ground offensive further into Lebanon and is encountering fierce resistance, and many soldiers are reported dead (on both sides). Israel claims that it has killed Iranian Revolutionary Guards (this is not confirmed by CNN, AP or Reuters), which could bolster the theory that Iran is fighting this war by proxy and is contributing forces. Some military observers say that Israel will be bogged down in south Lebanon, like the U.S. is bogged down Iraq. If you could be Condi Rice for a day, how would you effect a cease fire? Seriously, I want opinions! Or do you think this war is spiraling out of anybody's control?

(On a lighter note, Wolf is interviewing Pat Robertson, the American Evangelist who said that Ariel Sharon deserved his stroke for “giving away Gaza”—he is apparently waiting for the End Days in Jerusalem. See “an unsealed room’s” blog for John Stewart’s take on Armageddon and network news. It’s hilarious. I can’t believe that Blitzer is interviewing this man as a serious source. Yikes!)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think the causes of the war are very complex at all. The Israelis must stop the unprovoked rain of Hezbollah rockets into Israel. Given the strength of the Israeli army, in all probability the Israelis can drive the terrorists back to the Litani River in about a month. Will NATO organize a force to replace the Israelis in southern Labenon? That would be the best of all outcomes, but with the large Muslim populations in Europe, I don't see that happening. So we are back to the status quo ante of six years ago. And that's not a good situation either. The only solution requires the stationing of NATO or UN troops in northern Lebonon to monitor the traffic between Syria and Lebanon to prevent arms replenishment by the Hazbollah.

Thu Aug 10, 05:15:00 PM EDT  

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