Thursday, September 20, 2007

"Who ARE those guys?" Redux

Recently, I had several classes read an article that concerned 9/11 and respond to it in an essay. One of the questions I posed during class was "who are the Taliban?" Wowie zowie! Now I know these kids, on average, were 13 or 14 when the planes hit the towers, and I realize that they don't watch the news, but I was shocked at some of the answers I received. (I mean I was three during the Cuban missile crisis, but as I grew older, 10 or so, I realized it's importance). Here are some actual students answers. (Out of 66 students, approximately 12 correctly identified who the group is)

1. They are fighters in Iraq
2. They are fighters in Iran
3. They were on the planes that hit the towers
4. They are helping the Americans in Iraq
5. They are members of some new religion, like pagans.
6. I have no clue.

Apparently, the Taliban is very mobile, very organized, comprised of seemingly helpful pagans, when Iraq, but alternately commanded the planes that took down the towers and the Pentagon.

Someone help me out here. Is this lack of knowledge of crucial current events pandemic? Or is it solely an American phenomenon? I really, really would appreciate some feedback, especially from international readers. I'm quite discouraged. . .


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too would be horrified, and I do believe it is an American phenomenon.

I am trying to find something to the contrary, but most blogs I read, perhaps even some of the news, is very USA centred. If it is american born bred and doesnt exist it seems.

I love your blog by the way. Very informative.


Fri Sep 28, 04:16:00 PM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry....typo. If it "isn't american born and bred.


Fri Sep 28, 04:17:00 PM EDT  
Blogger annie said...

the dumbing down of america. the news is 90% brittney and paris.

they don't want kids asking the wrong questions, like ..why did we once call the taliban freedom fighters and now we call them terrorists?

Wed Oct 31, 03:44:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Zappy Corleone said...

I have noticed forexample that the BBC World Service that Reached Iraq was a very well News Channel, However when I arrived in the U.K. the only close thing to the News BBC 24 is a lot more base on domestic and European News, rarelly do you hear about whats happening in the Middle east.
people have a diffrent perspective to what they really wish to hear in the News.
So its a mixed thing really, the News is the Media and Media has turned into Entertanment and what the Governments want the masses to hear and understand.
the BBC U.K. service actually directs people to what to do, like yesterday piece that was all over the News "Breast Feeding increases infants IQ by 7%" or "Eat five portions of Fruit" or "an Idea to impose a annual license on smokers" just to "feel" the reaction of the people.

take care Big Brother is Watching you :)

Wed Nov 07, 04:17:00 AM EST  
Blogger Unknown said...

I was in US during last summer and the most iritating thing I found in TV's and Newspapers are the complete lack of international news! I couldn't find any news on USA today or any of the local channels about what happens in the World - America!.

If not for general knowledge, know your enemey at least for your own survival.

Ignorance ain't bliss :).


Sat May 03, 07:14:00 AM EDT  

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