Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Of the blogosphere, news and trolls. . .

I've been reading misneach's, Bad Vilbel's, and Treasure of Baghdad's blogs for news about their respective concerns in the ME. Also have frequented "will to exist," which is some American soldiers' blog (each soldier has a distinct voice and POV) as well as "an unsealed room," which is an Israeli blog.

My question to fellow bloggers, experienced and non-experienced, is this: how much of the news you read comes from blogs as opposed to conventional sources, such as newspapers and television? Even media sites, such as CNN, have correspondent bloggers. Do you find that the news from blogs is "less reliable" because it is often more subjective. Or is media "objectivity" an illusion? Or is the subjectivity of blogs the attraction?

And finally, what of the ever-present trolls (several who have seemed to have taken up lodging at poor Allison's site of late)? Do you avoid blogs with a large troll contingent? Have you ever seen a troll "flipped"? Change his or her mind about a topic? Who are the trolls? Where do most of them come from?


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